JCL Foreign Language School JCL Foreign Language School has one of the highest enrollment rates among all Japanese schools.

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Students who have been accepted to undergraduate and graduate schools2025/3/11更新)
Kyoto University 203
The University of Tokyo 47
National or Public University 2199
Why JCL is Chosen?
Excellent Academic Achievements
JCL has the top rate of students entering undergraduate and graduate schools among Japanese schools in Japan
high number of students receiving JASSO scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
the average score of EJU Japanese
high number of students who took the highest score in each subject of EJU
Teaching and Learning Facilities

Hon-kan Building

Classrooms, student lounge, health center, etc.

Shin-kan Building

Classrooms, study rooms, and college guidance rooms are available.

Chuou-kan Building

Classrooms, teachers' offices, and guidance rooms are available.

Annex Building

Classrooms, multi-purpose classrooms, etc.

Living Facilities

JCL Foreign Language School

〒612-0029 6-4 Fukakusa Nishiura-Cho, Fushimi-Ku, Kyoto



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